Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, SIXM works with 100% verified Mexican suppliers. We are one of the leading Mexico sourcing companies, with decades of experience in the country's supplier landscape. We are supplier quality control and quality engineering professionals who have managed Mexican suppliers for 20 years. You can trust us to identify the excellent quality, low-cost, 100% verified Mexican suppliers for your business and help you meet your goals.

There are 3 ways one can follow to set up manufacturing in Mexico. Start a stand-alone business,contract with manufacturers, or partner with manufacturing companies in Mexico. The majority of US companies take this route (Partner with Mexican manufacturing companies) and let them handle all the relevant aspects in Mexico, including HR, legal, and taxation.

They focus on the things they know the best - processes to manufacture the products. The last one (Partner with Mexican manufacturing companies) is the best option and feasible for US firms. SIXM will help you to connect with reliable manufacturers. We know the importance of strategic procurement.

After signing with suppliers, the hardest part is the quality of the product and timely delivery. But no need to worry about it. SIXM has the solution for it. We provide quality control services where our quality control inspectors go right into the heart of manufacturing units and crosscheck with product specifications.

Our supplier quality engineers had hands-on experience in resolving production and inception problems. We take responsibility for the first item in the production line to the last thing in a container (delivery time).

Opening a business in Mexico has both pros and cons. In some aspects, starting operations in Mexico for US companies is quite beneficial due to the low cost, near-shoring, quality, workforce, etc. On the other hand, it cant be simple. You may face several challenges, e.g. language barrier, tax laws, culture, property registration, electricity connections, supplier and manufacturer identification, etc.

Many companies consider Mexico a favorable location for manufacturing due to its low cost, labor force, tax laws, etc. Most of the companies set up operations in northern or central areas of the country. You can consider the following location to start manufacturing in Mexico:

  • Tijuana
  • Ciudad Juarez
  • Matamoros
  • Mexicali

SIXM is different from other typical Global sourcing companies. Have a look at the most prominent factors that differentiate SixMexico from others.

  • It is an independent strategic procurement and quality control partner, not a sourcing/buying agent.
  • They don't work on a commission basis.
  • We have integrated quality assurance throughout your procurement cycle.
  • We solve the problem of 'what you see is NOT what you get.'
  • We have experienced local staff who act as your field procurement representatives and provide real-time supplier intelligence and feedback.
  • Save time, energy, and money. We won't give you endless lists of suppliers for you to research.
  • We do the hard work for you and give you suppliers we know can perform.

Sourcing products from Mexico to the USA is now an easy process. Contact a trustworthy supplier sourcing firm and share your business details with them. Their team of expert sourcing professionals will find a solution to all your business need.

We source any product from commodity items to customized parts and components. Our primary focus is on industrial components and parts, including glass, rubber, plastics, metal, automotive, and electrical/electronic equipment. SIXM can assist you in locating performance-driven and cost-effective Mexican potential suppliers across a range of categories.

No, We are not Mexican manufacturers. But we know the world's best manufacturer and have worked with them. We understand the importance of strategic procurement strategies and efficient supplier sourcing.

We served a wide range of manufacturing industries In Mexico, e.g., automotive, electronics/electrical equipment, construction and heavy industry,aerospace, telecommunications, consumer goods, consumer electronics, plastic injection molding, mining, white goods, industrial manufacturing, furniture,textiles & apparel.

Now you have decided to source a product from Mexico or plan to manufacture a product. In both cases, you need to find the suppliers in Mexico or manufacturers while considering their budget and quality. There are three options that you can avail yourself:

  • Check online directories to locate them.
  • Contact directly with manufacturers to analyze their capabilities
  • Another option is to visit them personally and check whether they meet your business need.

To do all these things you can consult with a procurement consultant who will assist you in your business. Or you handover the entire process to procurement sourcing companies like SIXM. All you need to do is share your product idea, and they will connect you to reliable, low-cost, quality Mexican suppliers and manufacturers.

To get started , there is no difficult order process. You can reach SIXM through Email: [email protected] or Call us at +1 858 684 1379. Share your product idea you need to design or manufacturer or list of products you want to source from Mexico. Our procurement professionals and sourcing specialists will handle the rest of everything. We do not provide an endless list of suppliers to you for search.

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